Simpson Garden Park

Simpson Garden Park

1291 Conneaut Avenue Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

Official Website

About this Location

Simpson Garden Park is 11 acres of rolling gardens in the middle of an urban landscape. It is a great place to get away from the pressures of city life and relax, a resource to discover plants that would work well in your own yard, a learning center for young and old alike, and a great place to volunteer your time. The focus of the garden park is a display of plants that grow well in our climate and various soil conditions and education on the role plants play in the web of life.Plants form the basis of every food chain… with humans at the top. Green plants provide not only food but clothing, shelter, and shade, they help store carbon dioxide and cool the earth, they also make oxygen which is vital to life. Plants and people go hand in root at Simpson Garden Park.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Official Website