Tawawa Park

Tawawa Park

12 Tawawa Drive Sidney, Ohio 45365

Official Website
Tawawa Park map

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Shelby County Birding Drive

Birds of Interest

Tawawa Park is a good place to look for Yellow-throated Warblers during migration.

About this Location

The City of Sidney took over the operation of this facility in 1955. It was formerly under the guidance of the Tawawa Civic Park Trustees that was incorporated in May of 1948. The original members listed in 1948 were Cecil Watkins, William Milligan, Murray A. Ferguson, W.E. Whipp, J. Oliver Amos, Wayne Bertsch, and Jerome Wagner. The Park consists of 220 wooded acres which provide shelters, grounds, and areas to play ball. Two lakes (Tawawa and Amos) are located in the complex. A permit for fishing after park hours is available from the Parks Office or the Police Department. There is no charge for this permit, but you must have a valid fishing license. There are drinking fountains available at the park entrance.

This park is being preserved to retain a rustic nature. Wildlife is protected. The William Ross Covered Bridge dedicated in 1971 is picturesque and has been the object of much photography. It closely resembles several covered bridges constructed in Central Ohio by pioneer bridge designer and builder, Rueben L. Partridge (1823-1900). The parks were named after Tawawa Creek which runs through the grounds. “Big Rock” (glacial rock left from the ice age) located in the park was established in 1876 and is of interest to visitors. Whipp Road was formerly the path of the East-West railroad through Sidney.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Carlton Schooley

Last updated February 16, 2023