River's Edge Wildlife Preserve

River's Edge Wildlife Preserve

Calumet Road Ludlow Falls, OH 45339

Official Website

Tips for Birding

The parking area is on the south side of Calumet Road just east of OH-48. The gravel lot provides space for 10 cars and access to a paver walkway leading to an information panel and the trailhead for Cascades Loop, which follows the crest of the ravine, providing excellent opportunities for birdwatching in the treetops below. It then passes a small limestone cascade that flows only in the wetter months but is a unique ecosystem supporting rare flora and fauna. The trail follows an old access road down into the forested valley and then back up a gently sloping rise back to the parking lot.

About this Location

River’s Edge Wildlife Preserve is a Satellite Property of the Brukner Nature Center a few miles to the northeast.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website

Last updated February 15, 2023