Medina Marsh

About this Location

Located at 4266 Fenn Road in Medina Township. Turn onto Rivendale Drive, then turn right into the parking lot.

Home to an active blue heron rookery, this 126-acre high-quality wetland complex in the floodplain of the West Branch of the Rocky River is part of a large corridor of protected land along the river. The new Medina Marsh Conservation Center doubles as a visitor center and the Medina field office of Western Reserve Land Conservancy. There is a .5 mile mowed trail at Medina Marsh as well.

Western Reserve Land Conservancy helped to preserve an 87-acre portion of Medina Marsh park. Home to an active bald eagle nest, this high-quality wetland complex in the floodplain of the West Branch of the Rocky River is part of a larger corridor of protected land along the river.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Western Reserve Land Conservancy Parks and Preserves webpage