Ferris Wright Park

Ferris Wright Park

4400 Emerald Parkway Dublin, Ohio 43016

Official Website

About this Location

This park creates an urban oasis in a sea of intense development near the Scioto River. Tree swallows nest near the parking lot and the usual edge species (Northern Cardinal, Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse) can be observed in the woods at the edge of the parking lot and fields. Raptors, such as Red-tailed Hawks, can frequently be seen hunting over the fields. Much of the park appears to consist of open field, but this belies the significance of the property, as much of these fields were once Hopewell Earthworks. In addition, a limestone gorge complete with a waterfall and karst features exists on the property, although this area is closed to public access without prior permission. The wooded gorge provides habitat for many Neo-tropical bird species and, in the past, Turkey Vultures have nested in cliff side caves.

Content from Peter Kleinhenz