Nickel Plate Beach

Nickel Plate Beach

Nickel Plate Drive Huron, Ohio 44839

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Lake Erie Western Basin Important Bird Area

About this Location

The 12.3-acre Nickel Plate Beach is located at the end of Nickel Plate Drive, just west of Tiffin Avenue in Huron. Alternate pedestrian access is available from the McKinley Street right-of-way, to the east.

Nickel Plate Beach is the largest public swimming beach in Erie County. Amenities include a picnic shelter, grills, benches, portable restrooms, beach volleyball courts and playground equipment on the beach.

Also, the 1,400-foot Huron Harbor east jetty is accessible from the park for fishing.

During summer months, a parking fee is required. Seasonal parking passes are available for purchase. Parking is free during the off season. The beach and grounds are open to pedestrian and bicycle traffic free of charge.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Lake Erie Public Access Guide