Hoover Nature Preserve--Old Sunbury Rd.

Hoover Nature Preserve--Old Sunbury Rd.

Old Sunbury Road Galena, Ohio 43021

Hoover Nature Preserve Official Website
Hoover Reservoir map

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Big Walnut Important Bird Area
Hoover Reservoir Birding Drive

About this Location

Old Sunbury Road is accessed from Sunbury Road between Harlem Road and Hoover Meadows. On the south side of Sunbury Road is a chain-link gate. This is the entrance to the area of the Hoover Nature Preserve and the Eastshore Yacht Club. Park on the road berm and follow the old road past the barrier. The area on the left along the shore is the east side of the Hoover Nature Preserve. The road continues for about 1.5 miles. From this vantage point, you can observe Pelican Island. In the spring this road is very active with all types of migrants including warblers, vireos, Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, waterfowl, Osprey, sparrows, and cormorants. Prothonotary Warblers nest along the shore of Hoover Reservoir all along this path during the summer. In the fall the reservoir water level drops and exposes massive mudflats all through this area. A typical year produces between 25 to 30 shorebird species and some years produce up to 35 shorebird species.

About Hoover Nature Preserve

See all hotspots at Hoover Nature Preserve

Access Areas with trails include Mud Hen Marsh, Ox Bow Road, Hoover Meadows, Dustin Road, Areas L, M, and N, and Clover Field.

  • over 925 acres
  • vital migratory stopover for over 33 different species of shorebirds
  • largest breeding population of state special concern Prothonotary Warblers in Ohio
  • 1,500-foot boardwalk at Area M
  • observation blind at Mud Hen Marsh
  • Bald Eagles frequently observed throughout the year

Content from Charles Bombaci