Lock One Park

About this Location

Lock One Park is the very prominent area between the main intersection in town (OH-66 and OH-274). The Public Library is to the south, and directly west of the Public Library is Lock One North of the Miami & Erie Canal. Lock One was at the summit of the Nineteenth Century canal system, and from here the canal system stepped down to the Maumee River near Toledo. In Lock One Park is a beautifully landscaped area of paver bricks and the Watershed Fountain where the water from a small fountain divides: part of the water flows to the south and ultimately to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and the other part flows north, ultimately to Lake Erie and the Great Lakes.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from New Bremen Parks Department webpage

Last updated February 17, 2023